Monday, November 17, 2008

America Recycles Day

In case you missed it, Saturday November 15th was America Recycles Day. What is America Recycles Day you may ask? Basically, every Nov. 15th is a day to remind us that recycling is important and we all could do a little more of it. One way of doing this is to take the pledge to recycle more. Studies show that we are more likely to do something if we go online and promise to do it. Okay, studies may not support this, but here is a link anyway:

1 comment:

BarbJ said...

Hi Dan, I just learned about your blog from the Star & Tribune article. Good idea! Thanks for telling us about all the places to recycle our CFL light bulbs. I have one that is a dud and need to dispose if it.

Another thing that I would like is one listing of the paper and plastic recyclables. It's been done separately in the BP magazine, but not on one list that I can post on my kitchen bulletin board.