Friday, January 23, 2009

What's your impact?

In my tangled "green" network I received a link to an interesting website. It has many environmental and home improvement tips, and a calculator that measures your environmental impact. If you would like to try it go to and click on the "Impact" tab. I gave it a try and found out that I'm about "average" (it hurts to be reminded how average I am). Anyway, I'm taking that as a challenge and plan to use a few of the website tips to save energy such as using power strips to shut off electronics (T.V., stereo, etc.) that use energy even when they are turned off, and try some water conservation tips. In the grand scheme of things I'm not too concerned about my score (by the way it was 104), but I'm looking to improve it. Give it a try and let me know what your score is!!!

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