Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Regular Recycling Schedule for the Holidays

Many times during the holidays our recycling schedule is affected, but not this year! So, this is my reminder for everyone to put your recycling cart out on your regular day by 6:30 a.m. the week of Christmas and New Years. Happy Holidays!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Holiday Light Recycling

Do you have your strands of Christmas or holiday lights strung? Maybe you found that some of your old ones don't work. Well don't just put them in a pile for spare lights or throw them away...Recycle Them!  Here is a link to find all of the free recycling drop off locations for unwanted holiday lights...

The closest sites in Brooklyn Park are the Hennepin County Recycling Center at 8100 Jefferson Hwy and Cherokee Hardware. The closest site in New Hope is Frattallone's Hardware.  Happy Recycling!