Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Star Tribune Article

Barb (commented on the last post) - I'm glad you found some useful recycling/disposal information. I hope the blog reaches people that we might have missed in the past and we will be sending out a 2009 Recycling Calendar that lists what paper and plastic items can be recycled. You could put this on the fridge with a magnet or piece of tape. Years ago we used to send magnets with the calendar, but not any more. Those darn budget cuts take the fun out of everything :)

In case anyone out there is interested, the Star Tribune had a nice article about the blog

Monday, November 17, 2008

America Recycles Day

In case you missed it, Saturday November 15th was America Recycles Day. What is America Recycles Day you may ask? Basically, every Nov. 15th is a day to remind us that recycling is important and we all could do a little more of it. One way of doing this is to take the pledge to recycle more. Studies show that we are more likely to do something if we go online and promise to do it. Okay, studies may not support this, but here is a link anyway:

Monday, November 10, 2008

Recycle Your Grill at the Recycling Center in Brooklyn Park

This blog thing is still pretty new to me, so I'm not sure what the best way is to respond to comments. I'll try it here anyway. A question came in on where to recycle an old grill. An old grill can be recycled for free at the Hennepin County Recycling Center, 8100 Jefferson Hwy, Brooklyn Park. This will probably be my response for many recycling questions because we have the best recycling center in the state, right here in Brooklyn Park! For more recycling information go to and do a keyword search on "drop off facility". They have a complete list of stuff they take for recycling. Or you can always ask me!